Matuninong ang bulan
Ining pagbibilog nakapupurisaw
Ining harong nindo
Tangod nin hagyanan
Dios marhay na bangui
Saindo gabos diyan
Ining pagdigdi ko toyo karahayan
Na masko ngani harayo pa sacong henalean
Tinios ko gabos mga kapagalan
Gusto ko sana na mahiling simong kagayonan
Gusto ko sana na mabisto ang saimong ngaran.
Meaning of the song:
This is a serenade song. The man greets everyone in the family after he explained the reason why in the middle of the night he came from afar. He wanted to meet and know the name of the beautiful lady.
This is a serenade song. The man greets everyone in the family after he explained the reason why in the middle of the night he came from afar. He wanted to meet and know the name of the beautiful lady.
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